course header LV-UAV-Guide | Reproducible Research

Module: Reproducible Research

The importance of reproducible research is rooted in the self-commitment to good scientific practice and rests on the foundation of transparent and repeatable research work. No matter what type of documentation is used, including websites, blogs, or gray literature, it must meet these criteria.

Dates: Wed, Apr 20 - Tue, Jul 13


What is that supposed to be - reproducible research?

Definition of reproducible research tools and workflows

Reproducible research in application - A question of balance

What is a good balance between effort and benefit?

Reproducible research - Does it mean anything at all?

Why is reproducible research necessary at all?

Assessment and Research Guide

Assessment Guide

Preperation of a scientific project

For the scientific practice it is proven to document and communicate the chosen approach in a transparent and comprehensible way


Scientific writing websites

Online Blogs for deploying studies and more

Markdown & RMarkdown

Markdown & RMarkdown an efficient concept to create and publish scientific content

Blogdown scientific online publishing

Blogdown - Rmarkdown powered by Hugo from R-Script to website in one step

3D Pointclouds in Sketchfab

3D Pointclouds in Sketchfab

Cesium a powerful tool for presentation

Cesium a powerful tool for presentation