Assessments How to tell if you've learned the material

This page collects together all of the tasks associated with the individual modules.

Module: Knowledge and prerequisites for the course

Assessment getting organized

Step by Step instructions how to setup Your PC or mobile device

Outcome(s) assessed:

Module: Reproducible Research

Assessment Website for Course Documentation

Setting up a Website with RStudio that provides all Exercises and Communication on Github.

Outcome(s) assessed:

Module: Introduction to Spatial R-GIS

Assessment R-spatial GIS

raster::writeraster? tmap? sf:st_intersection?

Outcome(s) assessed: Competent with elementary R spatial concepts

Module: Deriving ecological indices from LiDAR data

Assessment: LiDAR based Forest Indices

Reading and summarising LiDAR article. Identification of 5-10 non highly correlated Indices. Calculation of this indices

Outcome(s) assessed: Dealing with 3D point clouds

Module: Spatial Prediction of Forest Microclimate

Apply different models for microclimate analysis and write a shorte note

Apply four different models for microclimate analysis and write a shorte note

Outcome(s) assessed: A tour de force through the modeling of climate