Welcome to LV-19-d19-006 - GIS, Winter 2021

The Geoinformation Systems course is a full term overview of selected topics in advanced GIS analysis as reproducible research workflows, based on R and Open Source Software and a full integration of GitHub.

Who should take this course

This course is intended for the master level in Geography to participants who have a working knowledge of the basic organisation of there operating system.

Didactical concept

LV-19-d19-006 is structured as a sequential but not necessary linear series of modules, each taking approximately two weeks to complete. Each module has the following internal structure:


Chris Reudenbach, Geoinformatics Working Group (GISMA) of the Department of Geography at the University of Marburg . The course content is developed and hosted on Github.

The responsibility for the content rests with the instructors. Statements, opinions and/or conclusions are the ones from the instructors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the representatives of the University of Marburg.