Experiences "Active" learning opportunities

This page collects together all of the “experiences” associated with individual modules.

In this site, experiences represent “active” learning opportunities, as opposed to readings, which represent “passive” learning opportunities. In many courses, readings and experiences together constitute the “assignments”.

Module: Reproducible Research

Web based Documentation of Scientific Work

Setting up a blogdown Website for documentation

Setup of a blogdown Site

Part 1-3 setting up a blogdown website with RStudio and GitHub

Module: Introduction to Spatial R-GIS

Introduction to R-spatial with geocomputation with R

spatial packages, terra, sf, dplyr

Introduction to R-spatial with geocomputation with R

spatial packages, terra, sf - data IO

Module: Deriving ecological indices from LiDAR data

Hands on LiDAR

Reading and writing LAS data, calculating metrics plotting results

Calculating DEM, DSM and CHM

Calculating DEM, DSM and CHM

Calculating Indices

Calculating Metrics

Module: Spatial Prediction of Forest Microclimate

Use the course scripts repository

Develop Microclimate Model(s)