Readings "Passive" learning opportunities

This page collects together all of the “readings” associated with individual modules.

In this site, readings represent “passive” learning opportunities, as opposed to experiences, which represent “active” learning opportunities. In many courses, readings and experiences together constitute the “assignments”.

Module: Knowledge and prerequisites for the course

Blended Learning

The Basic Course Concept dealing with remote digital and presence learning

Assignments and how to deal with them

The general concept of assignements in this course. How to deal with them and how the suggested workflow

Standing on the shoulders of giants

The general scientific fooundation of the course

Module: Reproducible Research

What do we mean with reproducible research?

Definition of reproducible research, tools and workflows

Reproducible Research - does this have any meaning?

Find the optimisation Level

Reproducible Research: Concepts and Ideas Part 1

What and Why reproducible research?

Reproducible Research: Concepts and Ideas Part 2

What is a research Pipline?

Reproducible Research Do and Don't Do

Guidline for Reproducible Research

Reproducible Research - with sense of proportion

Find the optimisation Level

The blogdown Documentation

Module: Introduction to Spatial R-GIS

R-GIS ecosystem at at a tipping point

Learn something about the R ecosystem with special focus on spatial aspects

Some Pros and Cons learning R-GIS?

Get a first hand overview about 20 years of development

Rmarkdown Why should I learn it?

Yihui Xie is giving a brief overview…

Introduction to R-spatial with geocomputation with R

Introduction to R-spatial with geocomputation with R

Module: Deriving ecological indices from LiDAR data

The basic principles of 3D pointcloud data analysis

LiDAR Enhanced Forest Inventory - Demystified. The basic principles of 3D pointcloud data analysis in the forest

2D versus 3D segmentation of trees

Lidar Remote Sensing of Forest Structure, Biomass and Dynamics

Module: Spatial Prediction of Forest Microclimate

Some ideas why Microclimate matters

Microclimate research has a wide range

Incorporating microclimate into species distribution models

Species Distribution Modelling

Habitat structure modifies microclimate: An approach for mapping fine-scale thermal refuge

Habitat and Scale

Advances in Microclimate Ecology Arising from Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing and Sensor Networks