Module: Reproducible Research

The importance of reproducible research lies in the reproducibility of research results - i.e. the ability to repeat experimental procedures and thus confirm previously obtained results - this is the central element of scientific work.

Dates: Tue, Nov 1 - Tue, Nov 8


What do we mean with reproducible research?

Definition of reproducible research, tools and workflows

Reproducible Research - does this have any meaning?

Find the optimisation Level

Reproducible Research: Concepts and Ideas Part 1

What and Why reproducible research?

Reproducible Research: Concepts and Ideas Part 2

What is a research Pipline?

Reproducible Research Do and Don't Do

Guidline for Reproducible Research

Reproducible Research - with sense of proportion

Find the optimisation Level

The blogdown Documentation


Web based Documentation of Scientific Work

Setting up a blogdown Website for documentation

Setup of a blogdown Site

Part 1-3 setting up a blogdown website with RStudio and GitHub


Assessment Website for Course Documentation

Setting up a Website with RStudio that provides all Exercises and Communication on Github.

Outcome(s) assessed: