Module: Introduction to Spatial R-GIS

Basic R-GIS coding: packages, APIs, conditionals, loops, functions.

Dates: Tue, Nov 2 - Tue, Nov 16

Prerequisite Modules

Standing on the shoulders of giants


Competent with elementary R spatial concepts


R-GIS ecosystem at at a tipping point

Learn something about the R ecosystem with special focus on spatial aspects

Some Pros and Cons learning R-GIS?

Get a first hand overview about 20 years of development

Rmarkdown Why should I learn it?

Yihui Xie is giving a brief overview…

Introduction to R-spatial with geocomputation with R

Introduction to R-spatial with geocomputation with R


Introduction to R-spatial with geocomputation with R

spatial packages, terra, sf, dplyr

Introduction to R-spatial with geocomputation with R

spatial packages, terra, sf - data IO


Assessment R-spatial GIS

raster::writeraster? tmap? sf:st_intersection?

Outcome(s) assessed: Competent with elementary R spatial concepts