Ungraded Assignment GI-Project
Development, design and implementation of a tree segmentation that allows the calculation of horizontal and vertical structural and competitive indices based on LiDAR data.
At the end of your ungraded assignment project you should be able to
- Develop, design and implement medium complex GI workflows
- adequately and sufficiently document your code and analysis workflow for re-usability and scientific review,
- process optical and LiDAR data to compile a useful and adequate dataset for your area of interest
- discuss and collaborate with colleagues project collaborative software development tools
- compute arbitrary indices using R packages like
- discuss and identify the central aspects of the results in the context of a self-chosen ecological and forest management related research question
- assess the overall quality using eyeball and a numerical accuracy assessment method
- communicate your work in a preliminary online paper.
To get an idea on tree delineation concepts in general, the Master thesis of Möller Finn on comparing different segmentation algorithms can be a starting point.
Task of the GI project
Please calculate based on the provided LiDAR data and covering the MOF the following products:
- digital elevation model (DEM)
- digital surface model (DSM)
- canopy height model (CHM)
- crucial horizontal and vertical competition and structure parameters
Please compile a comprehensive data set and a short (one slide) report of this project as well as operational scripts on github four weeks before the end of the course.