The spotlights will focus on conceptual as well as technical topics related to the general task of reaching out for the project goals.
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) observations are point clouds representing the returns of laser pulses reflected from objects, e.g. a tree canopy. Processing LiDAR (or optical point cloud) data generally requires more computational resources than 2D optical observations. The spotlit provides both technical handling of LiDAR data as well as some helpful hints how to optimize the technical and conceptual workflow of programming, data handling and information gathering.
Segmentation StrategiesIn nature conservation, forestry and landscape management, quantifiable knowledge is available over a wide area and is closely linked to remote sensing. Especially the LiDAR data are of inheritable importance as they offer the possibility to recognize microstructures and to distinguish tree individuals from each other. If a delimitation is successful, tree positions, tree heights, growth rates and horizontal and vertical distribution patterns can be calculated.
Data Visualization - 1Maps are used in a variety of domains to present data in an appealing and interpretive way. Maps are used to communicate information and it is essential to idetify both the certain communication rules of cartography and the basic and required elements. Layout and formatting are the second critical aspect to visually enhance the data. Using R to create maps provides many of these necessities for automated and reproducible cartography.
Data Visualization - 2The visualization of data in R
offers much more possibilities than the examples shown in the introduction. Several templates that are helpful in everyday work are presented.