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Space needs a scope

The approach to the topic of geographic information systems (GIS) seems unclear for beginners due to the multiple use of the term. It is therefore necessary ...

What about GIS now?

However, all the concepts do not clarify the concrete digital or technical implementation. The considered geo objects of the real world contain a wealth of i...


Ungraded Assignment GI-Project

Development, design and implementation of a tree segmentation that allows the calculation of horizontal and vertical structural and competitive indices based...

Graded Assignment: GI-Project

This worksheet introduces your GI-project which is focusing a research question based on the findings of the ungraded assignment reliable algorithm for tree ...





The spotlights will focus on conceptual as well as technical topics related to the general task of reaching out for the project goals.

Deriving a CHM from LiDAR & more

Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) observations are point clouds representing the returns of laser pulses reflected from objects, e.g. a tree canopy. Proces...

Segmentation Strategies

In nature conservation, forestry and landscape management, quantifiable knowledge is available over a wide area and is closely linked to remote sensing. Espe...

Data Visualization - 1

Maps are used in a variety of domains to present data in an appealing and interpretive way. Maps are used to communicate information and it is essential to i...

Data Visualization - 2

The visualization of data in R offers much more possibilities than the examples shown in the introduction. Several templates that are helpful in everyday wor...