WS-2: Envimet goes Reality

After the first attempts - specifically after the technical example simulations, a first review of the available literature as well as a rough structuring of the research questions, it is now necessary to design a concrete approach.


After the first attempts - specifically after the technical example simulations, a first review of the available literature as well as a rough structuring of the research questions, it is now necessary to design a concrete approach.

Things you need


Design a concrete problem and a suitable associated modeling concept to assess the performance of Envimet to simulate essential microclimatic parameters in the specific setup of the Carolinen Haus. Consider the following aspects: * abiotic endowment of the model domain (relief, soil, site location). * biotic features of the model domain (simple/3D vegetation) * technical model domain (x,y,z extent, time steps nesting) * appropriate meteorology for model initialization (ideal, real values) * Validation strategy

  • Work packages - What is to be done when and by whom?
  • WP 1 technical and abiotic model
  • WP 2 meteo data initialization
  • WP 3 Vegetation “simple
  • WP 4 Vegetation “3D
  • WP 5 Validation strategy

The task is then as follows:

The resulting concept should be prepared as a table (similar to the below example), also addressing the literature/data used as well as know shortcomings.

Workpackage 1

item solution references ressources needed lead team
relief build-in version xy online access ? ? ?
soil properties soil data access has to be clarified who knows ? ?
soil vertical structure four levels temperature soil moisture build-in model envi-met ? ? ?

Any written notes please put them on comments below.

It is strongly recommended that you find 1 or more collaborators

  • Please upload /write the tables and necessary notes/explanations on cards.
  • Please prepare the GIS data and upload it to thje Hessenbox.