WS-4: Envimet goes Reality - QGIS data manipulation

After the first attempts - specifically after the technical example simulations as well as a rough structuring of the research questions, it is now necessary to design a concrete approach.


After the first attempts - specifically after the technical example simulations, a first review of the available literature as well as a rough structuring of the research questions, it is now necessary to design a concrete approach.

Things you need

  • Course Data Server You will find here all kinds of data, literature and tutorials
  • ENVI-met software
  • Please have a look at the Monde Tutorial videos
  • Current LTR Qgis Installation
    • Installation of Plugins
      • Geodata to ENVI-met
      • OSMDownloader
      • QuickOSM


Design a concrete modeling approach and a suitable associated modeling concept to assess the performance of Envimet to simulate how are the effects of the Hasenkopf build up plans affecting the fresh air support of Marburg. Consider the following aspects: * abiotic endowment of the model domain (relief, soil, site location). * biotic features of the model domain (simple/3D vegetation) * technical model domain (x,y,z extent, time steps nesting) * appropriate meteorology for model initialization (ideal, real values) * Validation strategy

Hands on - Data Aquisition

The preparation of the modelling environment for an Envimet model run can be as complex as desired, but the following criteria should always be kept in mind 1. the size and desired resolution of the model domain (depending on the research question) 2. scientific or planning level of detail of the research question 4. focus of the modelling (wind field, plant respiration, micrometeorological parameters). The input data must be selected according to these factors. In hilly terrain, a high resolution digital terrain model or digital surface model is essential. In addition, at least a rough estimate of land use and soil type is required. The three-dimensional structure of the model requires at least good estimates of vegetation and building heights in the selected model area.

For the selected question of cold air production in the Hasenkopf area, the freely available data from the State of Hesse and the Hessian Administration for Land Management and Geoinformation, as well as the Openstreetmap data, are well suited. In addition, some planning maps have to be digitised manually.

Download of the data


The DEM and DOM files relevant for Marburg can be downloaded from the website of the Hessian Administration for Land Management and Geoinformation

OSM data

Open the downloaded OSM file and search for the following elements (main keys “landuse” and “natural”)

 'allotments'  'farmland'  'farmyard'  'forest'  'grass'   'meadow'  'orchard'  'village_green'  'grassland'  'scrub'  'wood' 

Export and project it (EPSG:32632) and name it vegtypes.gpkg.

Then select multistrings (highway key).

primary' 'primary_link' 'residential' 'secondary' 'secondary_link' 'tertiary' 'tertiary_link' 'track

Export and project it (EPSG:32632) and name it surftypes_2.gpkg.

Data preprocessing

Polygons vegetation

Open the attribute table of vegtypes.gpkg and then the field calculator. Note a new field with 6 alphanumeric characters named ENVIMET_ID. then process the following expressions

  WHEN "landuse" =   'grass'       THEN '000000'
    WHEN "landuse" =   'meadow'        THEN '000000'
    WHEN "landuse" =   'farmyard'      THEN '0201H4'
    WHEN "landuse" =   'forest'        THEN '0000SM'
    WHEN "landuse" =   'allotments'    THEN '0201H4'
    WHEN "landuse" =   'orchard'       THEN '000051'
  WHEN "natural" =   'grassland'     THEN '000000'  
  WHEN "natural" =   'wood'          THEN '0000SM'
    WHEN "natural" =   'scrub'         THEN '0100H2'  
    ELSE '000000'

Save the file.

Polygons surface 1

Open the attribute table of vegtypes.gpkg and the field calculator and edit the following expressions:

    WHEN "landuse" =   'farmland'      THEN '02AGSS'
    WHEN "landuse" =   'residental'    THEN '02AGSS'    
    WHEN "landuse" =   'industrial'    THEN '0200AK'
  ELSE '0200AK'

Save the file and name it polygons_surface_1.gpkg.

Line surface types

Buffer the different road types with 8m (primary) 5m (secondary) 4m (tertiary) and 2.5m (tracks).

Then edit the following expression:

  WHEN "highway" =   'primary'        THEN '0200AK'
  WHEN "highway" =   'primary_link'   THEN '0200AK'
  WHEN "highway" =   'secondary'      THEN '0200AK'
  WHEN "highway" =   'secondary_link' THEN '0200AK'
  WHEN "highway" =   'tertiary'       THEN '0200AK'
  WHEN "highway" =   'tertiary_link'  THEN '0200AK'  
  WHEN "surface" =   'asphalt'        THEN '0200AK'
    WHEN "surface" =   'ground'         THEN '0200TS'
    WHEN "surface" =   'dirt'           THEN '0200TS'
    WHEN "surface" =   'mud'            THEN '0200TS'
    WHEN "surface" =   'fine_gravel'    THEN '0200BS'
    WHEN "surface" =   'gravel'         THEN '0200BS'
    WHEN "surface" =   'grass'          THEN '02AGSS'
    WHEN "surface" =   'unpaved'        THEN '0200TS'
    WHEN "surface" =   'compacted'      THEN '0200BS'
ELSE '0200TS'

Save the file as line_surface_1.gpgk. Now merge polygons_surface_1.gpkg and line_surface_1.gpgk into all_surfaces.gpgk.

Now you can run the Convert Geodata to Envimet plugin.